Friday, February 20, 2015

         Cemeteries are always an easy place to find spirits.  For some reason I have always found spirits lingering among the stones.  Their bodies were laid to rest here, their spirit is free to go where they wish yet they remain with their body.  why?

       North Hampton State Hospital:  Only 2 buildings remain.  The others have long since been torn down and condominiums  have taken its place.  

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

                              The spirits of former State School Patients are always watching.

                               Long since forgotten,  a sensitive subject to most of the towns people.   Over grown and hidden from sight once again.  Society has built up around this location and if you were driving through town you would probably miss it.

          We may never really know, or even understand what happened at this facility.  In it's prime, it housed more than 1800 patients.  The over crowding among the wards soon became an atrocity, the sewer system could not keep up and soon began to pack up and overflow into the wards, the living quarters.  Patients were left unattended, they were half dressed or not at all.  Rumor has is that a Newspaper reporter witnessed a young girl drinking from a filthy toilet.   The patients that literally lived and died within these walls, their lifeless bodies carted away through the tunnel system, a labyrinth silently weaving its way to every building.  Their bodies may be long since gone, yet their spirits sadly still roam the decaying, dark halls.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

         One of my all time favorite places to stumble across lost souls.  There are plenty that still walk along the forgotten paths,  shuffle through the empty halls in search of something.  They are sadly unaware that they are no longer part of the living, yet they still call out.  The energy here is over whelming.  There is however a very dark entity that paces the property.
     Ghosts, spirits, or entities, whatever you choose to call them,  they are every where.  Spirits are not stationary beings. Once our body passes our spirits/souls are free to roam.  

      Every being, every location and every single place has a story to tell.  Energy does not leave.  It is ever present.  Negative energy seeps into the wallpaper and stays forever especially when there is some kind of drama involved, a murder, a suicide.. well you get the point.  Often the departed just want to stick around.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

                                ~ No order is enough
                                  To stifle deeds so
                                  Sinister or so long
                                  Suppressed ~

Sunday, February 8, 2015

  This is located in a forgotten part of another Small town in Massachusetts.  Here we have an abandoned section of a rail yard.  At this particular location several years ago a young man committed suicide by laying down on the tracks.   Let me just add here that he did not lay across the tracks,  he simply laid his head on the cold track and waited.  Am Track came in and took his head.  The authorities called in help to find the young mans head.

 Roaming a back road in a small New England town this weekend and stumbled upon this gem.  Rumor has it that this old Mansion belonged to one of the famous Rockefeller's.  Long since lived in.  probably has many stories to tell.